Every Christmas for as long as I can remember, my sister Kristina and I were allowed to open one gift on Christmas Eve. We received a new pair of pajamas from our grandparents, Nonnie and Poppie, and wore them that night. During our teen years we had some funny pajamas opening experiences as it was humorous to see what they would choose for us. You’ll still find us laughing till we cry when recounting a pair I got during my freshman year of college which were purchased slightly too large. How large you ask? Large enough for Kristina and I to fit in them- together!
As you can see, these pajamas played a huge part of our family Christmas memories. My parents, Mema and Pepa, carry on this tradition and give pajamas to our children each year, and even when we aren’t together it’s the only gift they open on Christmas Eve. Nonnie and Poppie sent pajamas to Jim and I through 2021. However, we lost our beloved grandmother in November 2022, but I know our pajamas are still from her heart no matter what.
Our family has been inspired by our tradition, one that many families share, and we’ve created Plaid Pajamas as a way to provide warm winter pajamas to people in need. Giving our children a chance to learn about the importance of being helpers and givers, not just receivers. Our pajama collection takes place from October through January, with distribution from the end of November through mid-January to various organizations.
Friends we are so grateful for your support, and it means so much to us to be able to continue this mission again! - Love, Pamela
We have a Target Wish List filled with the most-needed sizes, you can select pajamas from this list and they'll ship right to my house! Donate money: Send money via PayPal to [email protected] but PLEASE send as Friends & Family or we will be taxed on our donations. This also helps us not lose money from your donation to fees charged by PayPal. No buyer protection is needed for you as you aren't buying something from us. You may also send via Venmo to @pamelabadolato. Thanks!